Thursday, September 25, 2008

Saving Money

The best financial advice I have ever received was "Pay Yourself First". How do you do this? The frst thing you need to do is select an amount you can save. Zero is not an option. If its $5.00, $10.00 or more it doesn't matter. Once you have settled on an amount set that amount aside as you receive each paycheck. Use the remaining funds for your everyday expenses. If you can't pay a bill completely, pay what you can, but DO NOT TOUCH YOUR SAVINGS. Some portion of unexpected funds could also be added to your savings account. Over a three year period and saving just $5.00 a week (and adding a little extra from unexpected funds) you could save nearly $1,000.00 including interest. The more you save the faster it grows. This is the approach we used to purchase our first house.